Arctotis stoechadifolia

    Arctotis stoechadifolia

    Arctotis stoechadifolia produces its daisy flowers from late winter until summer. They open during the sunshine hours of the day, typical of Arctotis. The creamy-yellow ray flowers have a darker yellow section at their base and are pinkish to maroon on the lower surface. The flower centre is dark. Old flowers hang down as the seeds ripen and become erect again when the seeds are ready to be blown away.

    This plant has been exported widely and in places like California and Southern Australia they have become invaders. Experimental planting of any plant species in another country or even region where it has not grown before is not an innocent exercise to be embarked upon lightly. In fact, introducing a species where it has no natural enemies or regular users for keeping it in check, may have serious consequences difficult to foresee.

    Scientists love to experiment, gardeners to plant something new and entrepreneurs to venture on the novel business opportunity. Curiosity has killed some cats! The outcome of everyones adventurous action lies hidden in the future.