Crassula congesta subsp. laticephala flowering white

    Crassula congesta subsp. laticephala flowering white

    Low on the ground but exuberantly in bloom, Crassula congesta subsp. laticephala makes a strong statement about achievement where size is not the issue. Unexpected among the pebbles, those that take care not to step on the puff adder may also have the additional good fortune of spotting this.

    The many-flowered, stem-top inflorescence reminds of C. columnaris in flower, but the leaf-shape is a giveaway as to the plant’s identity. The white floral tubes end in five narrowly oblong lobes that spread.

    The keeled, succulent leaves curve down, the lower ones already shrivelling under the festive presentation.

    This plant lives in the Little Karoo (Frandsen, 2017; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; iNaturalist).