Euphorbia colliculina stem-tips

    Euphorbia colliculina stem-tips

    The green, cylindrical stems of Euphorbia colliculina curve to somewhat erect tips in a rosette-like formation from ground-level. The secondary little rosette in picture may reflect a below-ground split in the big, concealed tuber.

    Stem surfaces are yellow green to blue green with faint reddish near the tips as one of the options. The stem surfaces are hairless but regularly tubercled in a repeated pattern, lending allure to the plant. 

    This is clearly a hardy plant, while also somewhat susceptible to the trials and tribulations of Little Karoo climatic impact. White dots show where the short-lived, tiny leaves had disappeared (Frandsen, 2017; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; iNaturalist).